I Hate Mitt Romney and So Should You
- By: Linda Avey
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My new post for anti-Romney bumper stickers, T-shirts, cards, and many more anti-Romney products. Enjoy and have a few laughs at Romney’s expense. He can afford it. Or click the images below to see them on more products or to purchase. (If you’re on my homepage, you have to click on the “Read the Rest” link to see actual images.)

Romney – I Want You To Enlist NOW! Postcard by bazookakidd
Design unique photo postcard at zazzle.com

Anti Mitt Romney – Romney's Job Creation Record Shirt by mjhdesign
Create your own shirt online at zazzle.com

Bush III Bumper Sticker by leftatzazzle
Create a one-of-a-kind custom bumper stickers no minimum at Zazzle
For more anti-Romney T-shirts, bumper stickers and assorted gear, check out this post:https://www.lindaavey.com/2012/07/30/anti-romney-t-shirts-and-gifts/
All images and products in this post are copyrighted. All rights reserved.
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