It’s 2020 Election Time

NOTE: If you click on a product that’s PG-13 rated Zazzle will tell you it’s no longer available. Not true. Simply scroll down to the bottom of the page to where it says “content filter,” and click “safe” to turn the content filter off. You don’t have to sign in; you’ll be able to see the product.
Now all of us, including me, have picked a side, so this post is going to be biased. I am definitely for the candidate that’s Not Trump. In this election I’m not even particular about species, as long as it’s Not Trump. Read on to see my twisted selections of Not Trump T-Shirts, stickers, signs and etc.–all of them for Not Trump. If you see a design or saying you like but you’d prefer it on another product, click on it and go to the store. The designer may already have it in their store, or you can ask. They like making sales; they’ll probably comply.
Here’s one for the undecideds:
If you click on any of these products and then buy something from Zazzle, I may get a small fee. Your price will not increase. Your price remains the same.