Halloween Face Masks 2020

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Okay, you’ve made it into the 10th month of this year of horrors. After nine months of 2020, Halloween won’t be scary at all. Let’s start with some masks. I know, I know, you’re tired AF with the masks but these might give you a laugh in spite of all that.
I’ll start with this one, mostly because it’s one of mine and it’s my blog. Okay, not funny, but definitely rude and insensitive. That’s so you, right?
Okay, now to make fun of other people. I’m so in the mood. Do you think this model would have taken this gig if she know they were going to make her look this bad? Of course she could look worse without the mask; you just don’t know these days.
Oh, I love it.
I think this guy is real.
Uh, guys, hang on; before you fall for this, check out those upper teeth.
That’s the last time she’ll try to get him to shut-up.
No woman is going to wear this mask. Buy it for your friend and tell her she looks cute.
How many of you would let her bite you if she shaved first?
Hope she was paid well for this.
Have I tempted you yet? Listen, any of them that you thought looked funny on the girl would look really cool on a guy. Or that one girl you know. (You know who I mean.)
Maybe it’s just me . . .
Next time I’ll show you some pretty ones. Even some painted face shields for those of you who dreamed of being a princess this year.